Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I have got addicted to this. Digital toons in black and white , look awesome to me. There are so many toons published in newspapers around the world. Most of them are in black n white. These always depict current news with an ounce of humour. The toonists behind them are the most wittiest people walking on this earth. Enjoy the following toons. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

more digital toons

Some more random digital toons. Its so amazing to draw them digitally. Feels very crispy and Makes life easier. Ofcourse it does come with the overhead of learning the software and getting used to it. Changing between brush types, zooming in and out may make you feel Artificial. However at the end it gives a sense of satisfaction. Your art is just ready to be published. Some may refer this to artistic blasphemy but in this digital Era Is too tempting. Like everything is fair in love and war. Enjoy the toons.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

first digital toon.

Hi guys,
 My first digital cartoon.
It makes life easy and beautiful. Specially the richness of colours.
Drawn using my bare hands. Guess the stylus would make it picture perfect. Will order a stylus soon.
Signing off.....